Content Marketing & How it Has Changed Overtime

Solid content strategic planning is one of the most effective ways for a company to build its brand identity, attract prospects, and keep an engaged audience. Being a manager at their writing company, Deftyled, Rifat Ahmed has learned that it allows you to project legitimacy, establish authority in your domain, and generate trust with the people you’re attempting to reach. Rifat has devoted much of his professional life to writing creative material. In fact, he has written for Cyber Barta, Green Leaf Air, and The Business Standard, among other publications. He says that Content Marketing is, as you can expect, critical to comprehend. But saying it is easier than doing it.
Content marketing isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. The practice’s landscape is continually shifting. It does not appear the same as it did ten years ago and will not appear the same in ten years. It’s a complex subject to pin down, with an exciting history and a promising future. It’s crucial to know both where it’s been and where it’s going out of genuine curiosity and forward-thinking pragmatism. We’ll gain some insight into both of them here. Below we will look at how content marketing has changed over the last decade and how experts expect it will change in the coming decade,
- Google Stepped Up the Game
Google completed its groundbreaking Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT) study in 2011. It discovered that 88 percent of shoppers use a Zero Moment of Truth, a point in the purchase cycle where a consumer examines a product before purchasing it. According to Google’s findings, word of mouth played a significant role in influencing that decision. It was in their best interests to influence those discussions because it was implicit evidence that firms’ stories were being told online – far beyond the authority of their ad agencies. The move allowed firms to concentrate on creating more high-quality, helpful content.
- Social Media Boomed
However, the rise of content marketing was not solely due to search engines. The sudden rise to prominence of social media, which has been dubbed “one of the most disruptive phenomena in human history,” has significantly impacted the practice. As these channels became more commonplace in people’s lives, they posed new hurdles for content marketers. In fact, by the end of 2021, social media will become the most popular marketing medium, with over 80% of marketers using it versus just about 40% using content marketing and SEO.
- Video made a push
The video became one of the most popular content marketing formats as the decade progressed, particularly among younger customers. Video is a naturally compelling medium. It’s easier to follow than blog posts, email newsletters, or ebooks. As the decade passed, audiences grew to appreciate it more and more. Platforms like YouTube had become indispensable in the content marketing environment by the decade’s end.
Content marketing changed in the 2010s, but as stated, the discipline isn’t static and never will be. There will be many more adjustments in the future.
- Video content will grow.
After the previous decade, the video was developing as one of the most — if not the most — virtual platforms for content marketing, as I just described. That tendency does not appear to be slowing down anytime soon. The pandemic drove the prominence of video creation and consumption, with media uploads increasing by 80% yearly.
Rifat Ahmed, a well-known author and the CEO of DeftyLed, a reputable marketing firm with offices worldwide, says that organizations should go outside the box to create content marketing, such as blogging, email marketing, and SEO, to create “wider moats” around their content initiatives. When it comes to innovation, it doesn’t matter how individual producers and businesses manage to do it.
- More compassionate, intentional, and customer-centric content will be more successful.
Google’s ranking system aims to prioritize the material that will be most useful to users. According to Google’s rules, the first ranked search result for each keyword should be the one that best addresses whatever consumers are looking for. While it’s impossible to predict how the algorithm will alter in the future, one thing is sure: marketers must focus on high-quality content that will resonate with consumers. This necessitates a thorough grasp of your target audience and a concerted effort to determine the best way to reach them.
Consumers today are much more interested in the who and why of your brand than in what you do. As Rifat, Digital Marketing Manager at Green Leaf Air, says, “Content marketing can create genuine connections with your audience while also educating them about the worth of your brand beyond your services, goods, or offerings. The key to developing meaningful content that interacts with your customers is first to comprehend who they are and why they need your brand.”
Ahmed says, if there’s one thing to remember from learning about the past and future evolutions of content marketing, it’s not to get too comfortable. New trends and issues always emerge, and it’s in your best interest to keep on top of them. Above all, concentrate on regularly producing high-quality material from which your audience will always be able to benefit!